Monday, November 1, 2010

my last few days...

Saturday night me and my hubby got to have a wonderful date night! We ate at Splashers, then walked up to hula bean for an ice-cream, then came home and watched my big fat greek wedding in bed :) such a funny movie!

At the wee hours of Sunday morning my little Naomi woke up with a raging fever! :( She was so hot I thought we might have to go to ER but I couldn't stand the thought of ER since my last expereience up there and the centipede bite!
We have been laying super low and enjoying lots of cuddles, apple sauce and warm peppermint tea with honey and milk- she loves it! :)

This morning I asked her what she wanted to do for fun and she said-
"Shopping....Macy's mummy!" wow that made me giggle! So our big outing was Macy's- she played and looked at all the clothes and hello Kitty gear and was satisfied after 30 minutes then we headed home again :) Unfortunately I feel like I have the same thing as she does :(