Thursday, February 25, 2010

Berry oatbran muffins

Made these this arvo with Naomi's help

3 C oatbran
2 C soymilk
1 C unsweetened apple sauce
2 eggs
1/2 C agave nectar (or 3/4 C brown sugar)
1 tsp vanilla
2 C whole wheat flour
1 tbs wheat germ
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
2 C mixed frozen berries (costco ones)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
In a large bowl, mix together applesauce, egg, brown sugar, and vanilla.
Mix in Oatbran bran,sift together all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, wheat germ, baking soda and baking powder. Add in with milk, fold in berries.
Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes

note: these are not sweet at all and I would try adding a little more sugar or agave and then serving them warmed with a little butter

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them...

ok so all those who sang this song in their bedroom as a little girl with the door shut singing along with Michel W. Smith in perfect harmony (not) raise their hand or day "I" :) for real I LOVED this song and the word's are so true- Friends are truly friends forever if HE is Lord of them. What a comforting thought.

Tonight we had some of our new but very close friends over Graham and Alissa- oh I love them they make me laugh I make them laugh :) we all laughed and caught up (they have been gone 10 days on a family trip)so good to have people like that in your life! I have been extra blessed today by friends- Jenny G came up earlier, then later after that I met up with Lauren and our hubby's watched the girls for an hour. I realize how much life friends bring to us and how alone I can feel sometimes when I am not seeing them. So thank you Jesus for friends!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Energy balls

These are super easy to make and you really can add whatever you like- you may adjust texture by adding more peanut butter or less depending on how much it needs- so put that in last.

1/2 C grated carrots
1/2 C rolled oats or granola
1/2 C raisins
1/4 C wheat germ
1/2 C sunflower seeds
1/2 C coconut
1 tsp spirulina (if you have it)
2 Tbs agave nectar or honey
6 Tbs peanut butter

Mix and roll into balls and store in fridge. AND BE ENERGIZED! :) your kids will love them too

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chickpea sweet potato & spinich curry

When cooking on a budget it's always nice to make some meals that revolve around the "Bean family"
So here is a curry I whipped up today- mind you I didn't really measure my spices so I will try my best to remember how I did it :) Enjoy. (Naomi loved it)

olive oil or coconut for sauteing 
1 yellow onion chopped up
2 large sweet potatoes 
2 1/2 C of chickpeas (I soaked some overnight then cooked the next morning-cheaper than canned)
1 small package of frozen spinach (use fresh if you have it)
2 Tbs curry powder
1 tsp garam masala powder (if on hand)
1 tsp ginger
1tsp garlic powder
1 tsp basil
1 can chicken or vege broth
1 can coconut milk

Saute onion with all the spices and seasonings in a large pot
meanwhile cube sweet potato and steam in microwave for 10 mins
put frozen spinach on top after onions are cooked 
pour over coconut milk turn up heat until spinach begins to loosen and cook
add broth
add in chickpeas and sweet potato
and simmer for 20 minutes

pour over brown rice and add chopped fresh basil or cilantro on top



Simple baked oatmeal

Been baking alot these days! and my dear friend Mel wanted some recipes so here is one and I will post many more in the days to come! :)

Simple Baked Oatmeal 

2 eggs slightly beaten
3 cups cooking oats (or I did 1 C steel cuts oats grinded and 2 1/2 C rolled oats)
1/3 C brown sugar or agave necter
1 C soymilk (lessen milk if using agave)
1/2 C apple sauce
1/2 C raisins
2 tsp baking powder
1tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1tsp cinnamon

Combine all ingredients  and press into a square baking pan and bake at 350 for 25 minutes.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Everything is not OK until I find you......

I just got blasted by a devo happening live at IHOP on the web stream. The chorus they were repeating was EVERYTHING IS NOT OK UNTIL I FIND YOU......I lost it and started crying- earlier I had just been on a walk crying out to God that I would be able to cry- :) you know those times where you feel so dry that you can't even's seriously the worst! So as I was on the floor repenting and crying out for more of HIM in my life Naomi ran in and saw me and came on my lap and gave me her 'num num' (pacifier) and 'nigh nigh' (blanky) and cuddled me. In that moment I realized that is what the heavenly father was doing to me. He heard my cry and answered me. Sometimes I wonder does anyone else go through times like these- everyone else seems to have it all together and I think I do sometimes and then I loose it, break down and run into His arms.....but I know that is what HE desires- I long to be more vulnerable with my friends and real and I want it in return so much.....I think...well I know I am being still restored from past hurts with friendships. 
Praise Jesus- we are on a journey
Prasie Jesus my husband fixed my blog and the comments work!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Amazing, challenging, exciting, sweet, tireing, hilerious, sobering....MOTHERHOOD

Adventure weekend round 2. Ryan has been wanting to do something else on Saturday other than the usual beach that we do E-V-E-R-Y Saturday :) He likes it but was needing a little adventure.

So this past weekend we took off spontaneously at about 4pm in the arvo and drove to Waimea, stopping for a little latte and snacks. We then drove up one of the most beautiful scenic roads I have ever been on. We stopped mid way up and let Naomi out to run free on the red dirt road and boy did she run- squealing with delight, stopping to check out all the cows and horses by the way road. She then continued on rolling around in the long thick grass and we all pretended to be lions in the grass roaring and hiding from the watching eye of those on "safari" :) I LOVE being a kid again! :)

It was seriously one of the best days of my life- it was so freeing and so beautiful especially since we have introduced Mr sad spoon. For those who don't know he is a small wooden spoon with a blue sad face on it- I decided not to draw a pink or red one as that seemed to cheery and this spoon represents what it feels like when we disobey. :( :( I have used it twice now and it really has helped alot, it's hard to see her cry but it only lasts a moment then she cuddles me and says sorry. Oh Jesus help me on this journey that has only just began.....