Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This last month I am being so ridiculously over the top about having everything in the house spotless and clean and organized- it does make me feel more rested and relaxed but seriously it's way overboard not even like me to be so obsessive about the neatness of everything (maybe it's LTS- Last Trimester Syndrome- just made that up:).
I get even more overwhelmed thinking about having a newborn and 'doing it all' I feel so tired today. I tried napping but can't sleep. I am so excited about my new little baby arriving I think I am just ready to be allowed to be "off" for a while in a way. I also like to have everything nice for my husband it's my way of saying 'your worth it' I want to keep everything nice for you. I know he doesn't expect me to have everything spic and span so what's my problem?

I was so tired today getting grocery's and hungry even though at 9am I had a big egg breakfast and snacks in between I couldn't get my hands quick enough to open the turkey breast I just got and the cheese! so me and Naomi stood in the parking lot of KTA zoned out both tired chowing down the groceries i just got! :)
ok so I am going on and on but needed to get it out- Help me Jesus! ha ha I said that as I was changing her pull up in the car and she repeated me even louder "Help me Jesus!" :)
Bless our children they do bring us joy in those moments of tiredness!
But seriously please pray for me that I would truly cast my burdens onto Jesus- thanks wonderful friends & mummies.


Tara Pinho said...

Oh Jesus, give my friend grace...much needed grace. You can do this Rosie! This is the hardest part. Growing belly, tired, hungry, nesting, waring yourself out cause you want everything clean. But, you can do this!! I'm so proud of you!!

Hannah Joy Bauer said...

I love you. =) And I'm so proud of you as well. I love the way you are so honest and enjoying every season Rosie! I love the way you are enjoying your last little time with just Nene and what life brings you every day. It's the way to live. I've been thinking about that so much lately. Living so alive! Living, enjoying every day- =) you know. ok, i'm saving your blog into my "favorties"- because even though i'm subscribed, it doesn't let me know when you update- and I want to know! love you friend.

Hannah Joy Bauer said...

PS. I'm putting "LTS" into my pocket to whip out when it's time. I think it's a real syndrom, Rose. ;)