Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tips from the Kitchen for a busy mum :)

Just thought I'd share some fun healthy way's to always get your salad and vege intake for the day. We all know what it's like to rush in the door at midday as we are trying to lay our baby down for their nap, pick up around the house, start laundry and oh yes eat! We are hungry so whatever we see in the fridge we grab. So some helpful things I do to save me from eating whatever is in site and make sure I eat a proper meal, oh and of course make it healthy is to have some things already cooked in advanced or on hand:
  • Quinoa- It's KEEN-WAH :) as the health food experts say- I add this to salad's as it is an excellent source of protein and yummy.
  • hummus
  • cooked pea's (to add to salad)
  • lettece already chopped (the night before I usually make a large salad that way I can have it at lunch the next day)
  • pan toasted seeds (pumpkin and sunflower-spritz some Bragg's on them!)
  • nutritional yeast (sounds terrible but tastes great added to anything like salad's, soups, vege's etc. spray some Bragg's Ammino acid on top and olive oil)
  • 'flat out' wrap's (from Costco)
  • Roasted vege's (again do a batch the night before- anything from tomato's with olive oil and garlic to onion and sweet potato)
  • Olive oil (I dress all my salad's in olive oil-try adding lemon juice with some garlic and balsamic and a dash of brown sugar)
  • Pumpkin pie spice- add to hot chocolate, yogurt with some honey, oatmeal with raisins, chopped almonds and honey, sweet potato with honey then bake them in oven, also on pumpkin oh and of course pumpkin pie! :)
  • Coffee. A must! Always have this on hand! :)
So there is a small list of yumminess to add to your life :) Oh by the way you don't have to be a "busy mum" to enjoy this :)


Diana said...

love it... I think I have almost all these things ready at all times, well except for the pumpkin pie spice (that's a good idea, can't wait to try it with almonds and honey!) Love you my little busy mumma Rosie and miss you too.
PS I started a busy mumma blog too, if you have time check it out, it's
In Yeshua,

Tara Pinho said...