Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's been a while.......

Hi lovely friends who view this blog- actually I don't know how many actually bother to check it out anymore I have been so in consistent- all for a good reason though- Miss Naomi. What a joy she is to my heart- I have been enjoying her so much lately! Christmas morning she came in our room and said "Hi Dadda!" then I was like "Did you say Hi Daddda!?" and she looked at me and said "No mamma!" :) So funny.

So this new year begins with Joy and excitement for what is to come and also a sense of....Lord what is going to happen next in the world- Ryan and I and some others have been seeing 911 every time we look at the clock- oh that we would know His judgments are just and true and that we truly would be without offense until we see Him again.

Phillipians 1:9
...And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.

Well I will post more soon- I have some cute video's on their way of little Naomi.
Whoever reads this drop a comment so I can see who is actually reading it :)
Love you all so much

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