Sunday, February 21, 2010

Everything is not OK until I find you......

I just got blasted by a devo happening live at IHOP on the web stream. The chorus they were repeating was EVERYTHING IS NOT OK UNTIL I FIND YOU......I lost it and started crying- earlier I had just been on a walk crying out to God that I would be able to cry- :) you know those times where you feel so dry that you can't even's seriously the worst! So as I was on the floor repenting and crying out for more of HIM in my life Naomi ran in and saw me and came on my lap and gave me her 'num num' (pacifier) and 'nigh nigh' (blanky) and cuddled me. In that moment I realized that is what the heavenly father was doing to me. He heard my cry and answered me. Sometimes I wonder does anyone else go through times like these- everyone else seems to have it all together and I think I do sometimes and then I loose it, break down and run into His arms.....but I know that is what HE desires- I long to be more vulnerable with my friends and real and I want it in return so much.....I think...well I know I am being still restored from past hurts with friendships. 
Praise Jesus- we are on a journey
Prasie Jesus my husband fixed my blog and the comments work!


Anonymous said...


reezy mcneezy said...

ok, lets try this comment thing again.... bloggers....

Hannah Joy Bauer said...

i love you rose...