Thursday, April 28, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Havilah Joy!

Havilah Joy arrived February 14th at 7:06pm
7 pounds 14 onces

Havilah comes out of Genesis and the garden of Eden- it was the "Land of Gold"
It means circle,eternal glory and comes from the hebrew word to twirl and dance.

I really thought we were having a boy and saw did the rest of the world! :)
But I was reminded of and journeled a year back about the Lord giving us another girl after Naomi then a boy. Kinda forgot about that word and the Lord reminded me when she was born.
His ways are higher than ours!!! :)
She didn't even come on the 11th (which I was also sure of :)
we did leave for the hospital at 11pm though :)
Oh what a journey. Naomi is doing AMAZING!!!! sharing her toys, hugging and kissing Havilah, shes even nursing her dolls! she pulls one strap of her dress down- it's hilarious!
Thanks for all your prayers!

love Mumma Rosie

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is this really going to happen?

Oh the wait- It's wednesday February 9th. For the past 3 days I have had contractions and the crampy kind too- just when I think oh maybe....nope. :) But the Lord is reminding me about my little 11:11 I keep seeing. I i just deep down feel like it's going to be this Friday the 11 of 2011.
With Naomi I saw 606 i was like huh what is that all about then I heard June 6th and sure enough that's when she poked her little head into the world :)

Last night Ryan and I had a lovely date night - steak and mudpie ice-cream! :) Today Ryan's folks arrive. The time is ticking and so am I :)

Love you mumma's that read this!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rosie's very lemony bars

1/3 C butter
1/4 C coconut oil (refined)
3/4 C brown sugar
3 tsp lemon peel plus 2 more tsp for glaze
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 egg
1/3 C almond milk
2 Tbs lemon juice plus 2 Tbs more for glaze
2 C spelt flour

1. In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter for 30 seconds.
2. Add 3/4 cup sugar, lemon peel, baking powder, and baking soda. Beat until combined, scraping sides of bowl occasionally.
3. Beat in egg, milk, and 2 Tbs lemon juice.
4. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer or egg beater. Stir in the remaining flour.
5. Press into a baking tin
6. Bake at 375 for 14 mins

Cool completely then mix remaining lemon juice (2Tbs) and lemon peel (2Tsp) with caster sugar and 3 Tbs coconut oil.

Pour onto slice cut into mini squares and keep in fridge.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Good news!

Went to see specialist in Hilo.
Baby is not really so "small" after all. Baby is already weighing in at about 6 pounds 1 once and still will continue to grow :) Ultrasound in December was not accurate.
Wow- glad that is all over.
Now I'm just enjoying the days & time I have just with Naomi. We had such a sweet time this morning just playing but it was like ohhhh my little girl isn't a baby anymore but got so excited that we are going to have a new little one soon! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This last month I am being so ridiculously over the top about having everything in the house spotless and clean and organized- it does make me feel more rested and relaxed but seriously it's way overboard not even like me to be so obsessive about the neatness of everything (maybe it's LTS- Last Trimester Syndrome- just made that up:).
I get even more overwhelmed thinking about having a newborn and 'doing it all' I feel so tired today. I tried napping but can't sleep. I am so excited about my new little baby arriving I think I am just ready to be allowed to be "off" for a while in a way. I also like to have everything nice for my husband it's my way of saying 'your worth it' I want to keep everything nice for you. I know he doesn't expect me to have everything spic and span so what's my problem?

I was so tired today getting grocery's and hungry even though at 9am I had a big egg breakfast and snacks in between I couldn't get my hands quick enough to open the turkey breast I just got and the cheese! so me and Naomi stood in the parking lot of KTA zoned out both tired chowing down the groceries i just got! :)
ok so I am going on and on but needed to get it out- Help me Jesus! ha ha I said that as I was changing her pull up in the car and she repeated me even louder "Help me Jesus!" :)
Bless our children they do bring us joy in those moments of tiredness!
But seriously please pray for me that I would truly cast my burdens onto Jesus- thanks wonderful friends & mummies.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jesus Bless mummy's baby Amen

Tonight Naomi repeated after me as we prayed to Jesus and held our hands out to receive His love. We were reading Psalm 91. I think it ministered to me more just having that time with "Him" not being in a hurry to go anywhere or do anything.
I will be actually 36 weeks this Saturday and feel like I just hit this la la land. The day's are long.

But tonight I was so blessed. As I tucked Naomi in I said her prayers and then she out of know where says, "Jesus Bless mummy's baby Amen."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

All I want is a bowl of custard...and some sleep!

At 7:30 I got into bed exhausted...all I could think of beside being super a bowl of custard. It's now 9:30 and here I am sitting up in bed in the dark eating my bowl of custard :)
Now I know I will sleep- it's all about the custard my friends :) well now I can at least sleep now that it's out of my mind and in my tummy.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

4 weeks & 5 days to go.....

Major growth spurt this past week! I think it was like 8 pounds in 8 days!! :) May have something to do with the late night munchies! :) I am getting so excited! I have been to Waimea twice this week and due back again Tuesday....I had an ultrasound down in December and it showed baby was on the smaller side- I got a call from Doc saying the specialist in fetal development wanted do check things out and do a 3D ultrasound to make sure baby is receiving adequate blood flow- I was like WHAT! Caught me by surprise- but then I went in this week for the fetal monitoring and baby was moving great and heart rate was perfect. So this Doc in Waimea said looks like it's just a petite baby and that I shouldn't be concerned. So that was great to be checked out. I still have to go to see specialist.

I feel total peace and had a beautiful dream about baby last night- first time I have had any baby dreams! I had so many with Naomi so this was fun!
Just keeping everyone posted it's been a while- much love and hugs!!