Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh that we would Delight ourselves in HIM
that we would be free from all that entangles us in Sin
That would would run into His arms
into His lOVE that exceeds every other love

That we would encounter HIS LOVE in such a real way that we would never be the same
That we would quit running to everything else that so seemingly satisfies
because only HE can truly satisfy
We are either lovers of God
or lovers of man
What are we taking taking delight in
Is it Him
or is it sin?
What have we put as the first commandment
Is it Him or is it the pleasures of this world?

Oh that we BE LOVERS OF HIM!
Because He is literally coming as King!
Do we believe what the Bible says
or do we make up the script that entitles it to please us in our own way
We must choose
We must know this man now in this life
because soon we will meet Him face to face

Oh Jesus let me know you more
free me from entitlements and rights that I think I have, or think I have earned
You are the author and finisher of our faith
You are the one that GAVE US LIFE
May we give you our life in return

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