Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

You will show me the path of life...

Psalm 16:11

You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

This verse keeps coming to me the past few many of us who love the Lord with all our heart feel joy and peace with where we are at right now spiritually speaking- but still there is something that is tugging on our hearts, a longing for a fullness we have not yet experienced that we desire. Then as I read this verse 'in your presence is fullness of joy' I see the key- it's in HIS PRESENCE. We can go about our day to day feeling satisfied (if all runs smoothly- nap times, meal times, behavior etc.:=) but still feel a lacking- It's His presence.

How do we abide in it? how do we set our heart on Him as we go through our day to day- are we aware of His presence with us- are we communicating with Him the small things like "Jesus- I need help right now- I feel so overwhelmed."

This is where I desire to live....Father show me the path of us all how to abide in your presence.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Green pea,tomato,red onion & feta salad with mint sauce

After having some leftover teriyaki chicken I wanted something to have with it- hmmm- didn't want lettece but wanted fresh. So I created this pea salad.....

1 1/2 C steamed peas (steamed in microwave) then leave at room temp
1/2 tomato chopped
2 Tbs diced red onion
2-3 Tbs greek feta cheese

serve with store bought mint sauce or you can get mint jelly- then a little olive oil and a dash of salt.

garnish with fresh mint leaves if you have- I do- but couldn't be bothered walking out my front door....


Naomi & Mumma with Belly

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Are you sure you didn't add anything to the pot...?"

Tonight we had our staff potluck BBQ at old airport beach. It was one of the best ones I think I have been to- true 'authentic community' :) and the food was authentic too!
My hubby grilled up a storm! I made a big pot of white rice- and tried to change it up a bit to make a sweet rice.

For 4 Cups of rice (brown or white)
1 heaping Tbs coconut oil
1 tsp of nutmeg (of course:)
2 tsp cinnamon
2 Tbs honey

next time I will do it in half water half coconut milk I think.

So before we leave the house Ryan tried it- wasn't really his kinda thing- of course I'm like 'oh no' I hope everyone else likes it.
They did- even got some requests for how it was made....but we get home- "Honey (me talking) everyone loved the rice!" ...(Ryan)"Didn't you add something to the pot before we left the house?" (me) "no I didn't" (Ryan) "are you sure?" (me) "yes, I'm sure" (Ryan) "Are you sure you didn't add anything to the pot!?" (me) "I DID'T ADD ANYTHING TO THE POT"

I think when your pregnant things really get to your nerves.....
"I'm sure I didn't add anything to the pot".......well I think I am :)

Goodnight :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

breadcrumb base for baking or frying chicken or fish!

So the secret to yummy fried chicken, chicken schnitzel or baked fish is the crumbs or the egg mixture before the crumbs.......

First cover your meat of choice in flour

Then crack about 4 eggs and whisk-
add 3-4 dashes of hot sauce then add in spices like dried thyme, dried basil, garlic powder, parsley & chilli powder.

Dip in bread crumbs then allow meat to rest in crumbs for 20 minutes

Then your ready to fry in olive oil or bake in oven.

This goes great with chicken or even mahi mahi!

Simple miso soup

Bring 4 cups of water to boil-
add 4 tbs mild miso paste to separate bowl of warm water whisking to get out lumps

Add a handful of frozen spinach to water and boil on medium heat covered for 5 minutes. Drain water- drain spinach water and bring 4 cups of water to boil again adding back spinach.

On medium heat add in miso paste with 1tsp soy sauce
Add in cooked spinah and also a handful of roasted seaweed (in packs at store in asian isle)
1 Tbs chopped fresh chives
cubed cooked tofu if desired.

Simmer on medium low for 10 minutes or so- then enjoy!

(sorry forgot to take a photo)

From nutmeg to meal planning

I don't suppose any of you remember this time last year I went through this crazy "pumpkin spice" phase and literally added it to everything!!?? Well right now the new thing for me in NUTMEG! It's amazing in banana honey smoothies, great in cheerios with soy milk and honey- even on roasted acorn squash and quinoa!- that recipe is on it's way! to meal planning

I love pulling out old recipes and spicing things up. Every week right before I hit the shops to buy my grocery's, I plan- first I write down each store I go to- e.g KTA, Costco, fruit markets. I have cash set aside for the month for the markets.
Then once a week I do my shop- Typically I only go to KTA once for the bigger shop- then do dairy stock up the other weeks (like more yoghurt etc.)

I try do one larger creative meal monday that keeps for leftovers for either Tuesday or wednesday night then on the other night that we didn't have it we do simple- like frozen Annies organic meal from Costco such as the enchilada's then add a salad.

Thursday night is at base or a quick bite out.

Friday- again a creative yummy meal for shabbat- like a crockpot

Saturday & Sunday is flexible for company or we BBQ!

So, not sure how that would help anyone but maybe is a motivation for some. Also- always stick to the items on your shopping list as you have already pre planned your meals and make a note of what you were going to get to pick up for next time. Think out of the box- go asian one night then Thai towards the end of the week!