Saturday, October 16, 2010

You will show me the path of life...

Psalm 16:11

You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

This verse keeps coming to me the past few many of us who love the Lord with all our heart feel joy and peace with where we are at right now spiritually speaking- but still there is something that is tugging on our hearts, a longing for a fullness we have not yet experienced that we desire. Then as I read this verse 'in your presence is fullness of joy' I see the key- it's in HIS PRESENCE. We can go about our day to day feeling satisfied (if all runs smoothly- nap times, meal times, behavior etc.:=) but still feel a lacking- It's His presence.

How do we abide in it? how do we set our heart on Him as we go through our day to day- are we aware of His presence with us- are we communicating with Him the small things like "Jesus- I need help right now- I feel so overwhelmed."

This is where I desire to live....Father show me the path of us all how to abide in your presence.

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