Wednesday, August 26, 2009

5 wonderful years

5 years ago today I married the most incredible man in the whole world
My husband and truly my best friend
I have never had someone I can share absolutely anything with and feel completely safe
and confident that he would never tell anyone
not only does he listen to my thoughts, fears and dreams he shares in them with me
He understands the best he knows how and is so tender kind and loving
he is so giving
He is a lover of God and so desperately want to be closer to Jesus
He is not afraid of what man thinks
and fears God alone
He gives and doesn't expect anything in return
He is my best friend
My husband
My Ryan forever


Tara Pinho said...

Wow! Happy Anniversary. Too bad he is in Israel. Guess you'll celebrate when he gets back.

Tara Pinho said...

oh, that was from Tara~