Monday, July 27, 2009

Just be with me

Just be with me is all I ask
Just be with me
that is your only task
Sit in my presence wait at my feet,
Here you can look in my eyes
and find that you are truly complete
Turn to me with all your heart, mind, strength and Soul
and know that it is I, your loving Father that is in control
There is no time to waste time on the things of this world
I am standing at your door knocking
will you let me in?
Please my child don't allow the enemy to pull you down into sin
but repent, press delete and come, rest, sit at my feet
I made you, I know you, you are mine
When you feel all alone and longing to be heard
I will be there, waiting for you
Pursue me with all your heart
Pursue me with all your soul
Pursue me as if searching for Gold
It is truly I that will only satisfy
and I that will bring you through the refiners fire
So come away and be with me and see that I choose you for me
Resist the devil and He will flee
So come away my beloved and sit at my feet

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Beet-licious juice!

1/2 a medium beet
3 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 large red apple
1/2 C pineapple

JUICE AWAY! serves 2 people

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sometimes I just want to shout it from the roof tops...I LOVE BEING A MUM! What is it about motherhood that is so sweet? Tonight I was singing to my little Naomi as I lay her down in her crib and she began humming along with me just gazing into my eyes.

Being a mum is like eating dark chocolate- so good! so sweet! so satisfying......satisfied that's how I feel- I don't miss my childless days one bit- yes they were fun, but how much more fun is it when you get to do things like coming up with the most ridiculous dances and songs and 'performing' for them while they crack up laughing and what you to do it again and again. Yep I do it all the time :) added bonus they think you are the best singer and dancer in the whole world also.....well maybe not if you are still doing it by the time they are 18.

What a privilege it is to not only raise them but to raise them in the ways of the Lord! Oh the joy that fills my heart knowing that already Naomi is learning to be more like her heavenly father.

Deuteronomy 4:9

"Do not forget the things your eyes have seen ir let them slip from your heart as long as you shall live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them" says the Lord.
Proverbs 22:6

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Isaiah 54:13

All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children's peace.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A friend loves.....

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times.....

Yesterday was my birthday- 25 years ago- yep you guessed it...I was born! Yeah- whoo hoo yippee- pop bang pop- (those were the fireworks going off :)
I was overwhelmed and absolutley blessed- my hubby had been planning a little surprise for me along with one of my bestfriends and my mumma. He was so excited for me- he kept saying- you have a fun weekend ahead of you.....and yes I did!

I was pondering what life would be like without friends- I'm not talking about acquaintances, co-workers or peers but true deep friendships. As I was looking around the room yesterday and listening to all my closest girl friends affirm me in who I was- I was truly blown away of the goodness of the Lord. He is so faithful if we are faithful to Him. True deep real vulnerable Friendships have not come easily. As women it is so easy to judge, compete with one another, gossip and then isolate because of the pain of all these things and feel self pity and then feel even worse because we feel like we have no one to really pour our heart out too. I have learned this- it has been a long journey of fighting for my friendships. I am one of those people that "shares my pearls" because I long to go deeper with that person. If there is advice I can give to anyone that feels alone and like they have no true friendships it is INITIATE, INITIATE, INITIATE. Don't wait for them to call you, you call them, don't assume what they are thinking- ask them- communicate- above all LOVE because a friend loves at ALL TIMES even in our weakest moments and most horrible times- we love because He first loved us.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A perfect day!

Today was wonderful! I am SO blessed- Our little family headed out this morning to Hapuna Beach. Our little Naomi slept until 11am as we relaxed in the sun (we did what!? :) I actually got to 'lay out' without having my little Ne Ne crawl all over me- sit on my back backwards- which she did do later and pull on my bikini ties :) She then work up very happy and we had a blast! I brought bubbles which she was trying so hard to unscrew the bottle and finally gave in- walked up to her daddy and gave it to him to saying "dadda...?" in other words please help- so cute- we then all blew bubbles, swam, played, ate, giggled and then packed up for the day and headed out. She then crashed out for 3 hours! WOW! I love my family I feel so blessed- thank you Jesus!

Count it all JOY

What an incredible journey we are on! Yes we all go through "stuff" and yes it hurts, it's painful, it's frustrating, yet we get back up again- fix our eyes on HIM and HIM alone and continue to walk in His ways and His paths- because He is ultimately the author and finisher of our faith!

James 1

My breathen, count it all JOY when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have it's perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

WOW- did that just say lacking nothing!? Being patient isn't always easy but the end results are beautiful. Think about a pregnancy- oh the waiting is painful- all you want to see is your precious little baby but what would happen if you delivered say 6 months into your pregnancy- not good right! So let us persevere through our trials being patient- knowing that the end result will be beautiful.

Saturday, July 4, 2009



Isaiah 62

For Zion's sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalems sake I will not rest, until her vindication shines brightly and her salvation like a blazing torch.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Delicious Black Bean vege burgers- photo to come!

I wanted to have a little adventure tonight so I thought it would be fun to make some burgers to grill at the beach- so our little family packed up our gear and headed to the beach late this arvo- it was perfect- we took our little grill and grilled it up! Naomi got to ride in her red wagon too! :)
Oh I know I don't have pics to match with the blog yet- I'm still working on that! :)

2 C black beans
1 Tbs olive oil
1/2 C chopped onion
1/2 C chopped red bell pepper
1/2 C corn
2 Tbs minced garlic
1/4 C chopped cilantro
1/2 C breadcrumbs
2 Tbs mexican seasoning
1 tsp chili powder
salt to taste

Saute onion, red bell pepper & garlic with seasonings
mash beans combine with corn, breadcrumbs, cilantro & olive oil
mix in sautéed vege's

form into 1/2 inch thick patties & fry on medium heat flipping until browed or grill on medium heat on BBQ

Spread hamburger bun with avocado & dash of lime & salt
Add lettece, tomato & cheese


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Choose whom this day who you will serve!

We live in a world that 'serves itself' basically what can I get out of it for me..... a little while ago I heard the Lord say- "You shall have no other God's before me" (Exodus 20:3) What does that mean? All of us put high value on something- we spend time focusing on someone or something- weather it is family, our husband, our baby, exercise, people, meetings, being busy.......none of these are bad but have we made them into our god? Have I? What would it look like to truly have Jesus as first- it would mean sacrifice- it would mean laying down our rights taking up our cross and following Him- it would mean saying no to certain activities- it would mean loosing sleep and so much more- but when I ponder the cross and what our Lord and Saviour did for us- HE LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US- then oh how we should be running and longing and whole heartedly saying YES I give ALL FOR THE SAKE OF KNOWING YOU. I do not what the day to come where I am standing face to face before my maker, my creator, my one and only Saviour and for Him to say- you did all these amazing things- but I never knew you.