Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Choose whom this day who you will serve!

We live in a world that 'serves itself' basically what can I get out of it for me..... a little while ago I heard the Lord say- "You shall have no other God's before me" (Exodus 20:3) What does that mean? All of us put high value on something- we spend time focusing on someone or something- weather it is family, our husband, our baby, exercise, people, meetings, being busy.......none of these are bad but have we made them into our god? Have I? What would it look like to truly have Jesus as first- it would mean sacrifice- it would mean laying down our rights taking up our cross and following Him- it would mean saying no to certain activities- it would mean loosing sleep and so much more- but when I ponder the cross and what our Lord and Saviour did for us- HE LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US- then oh how we should be running and longing and whole heartedly saying YES I give ALL FOR THE SAKE OF KNOWING YOU. I do not what the day to come where I am standing face to face before my maker, my creator, my one and only Saviour and for Him to say- you did all these amazing things- but I never knew you.

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