Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Pregnant Brain :)

So as most of you have witnessed me whilst pregnant you would agree I'm not "all there" I have had some very funny recent moments that my dear friend Mel has been there to witness.....like when I left my BOB stroller at the base then freaked out at Costco when I opened up the back of my car and thought someone had stolen it. Then a few days later I am pulling out of a parking lot and run right over the curb like it's a skate ramp then honk the horn as I am doing this....:)

Well yesterday I panicked as I thought I had lost a Macys gift card worth $50 so I am in the store trying to explain then they take my ID and say they will check if it has been used. About 30 minutes later they come back and show me a form with 5 separate purchases- WHOOPS I forgot I really did use the gift card on christmas gifts- looked like I was trying to score another gift card.
Oh the pregnant brain- Im now 31 weeks not too long to go now :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

my last few days...

Saturday night me and my hubby got to have a wonderful date night! We ate at Splashers, then walked up to hula bean for an ice-cream, then came home and watched my big fat greek wedding in bed :) such a funny movie!

At the wee hours of Sunday morning my little Naomi woke up with a raging fever! :( She was so hot I thought we might have to go to ER but I couldn't stand the thought of ER since my last expereience up there and the centipede bite!
We have been laying super low and enjoying lots of cuddles, apple sauce and warm peppermint tea with honey and milk- she loves it! :)

This morning I asked her what she wanted to do for fun and she said-
"Shopping....Macy's mummy!" wow that made me giggle! So our big outing was Macy's- she played and looked at all the clothes and hello Kitty gear and was satisfied after 30 minutes then we headed home again :) Unfortunately I feel like I have the same thing as she does :(

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

You will show me the path of life...

Psalm 16:11

You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

This verse keeps coming to me the past few days.....so many of us who love the Lord with all our heart feel joy and peace with where we are at right now spiritually speaking- but still there is something that is tugging on our hearts, a longing for a fullness we have not yet experienced that we desire. Then as I read this verse 'in your presence is fullness of joy' I see the key- it's in HIS PRESENCE. We can go about our day to day feeling satisfied (if all runs smoothly- nap times, meal times, behavior etc.:=) but still feel a lacking- It's His presence.

How do we abide in it? how do we set our heart on Him as we go through our day to day- are we aware of His presence with us- are we communicating with Him the small things like "Jesus- I need help right now- I feel so overwhelmed."

This is where I desire to live....Father show me the path of Life....show us all how to abide in your presence.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Green pea,tomato,red onion & feta salad with mint sauce

After having some leftover teriyaki chicken I wanted something to have with it- hmmm- didn't want lettece but wanted fresh. So I created this pea salad.....

1 1/2 C steamed peas (steamed in microwave) then leave at room temp
1/2 tomato chopped
2 Tbs diced red onion
2-3 Tbs greek feta cheese

serve with store bought mint sauce or you can get mint jelly- then a little olive oil and a dash of salt.

garnish with fresh mint leaves if you have- I do- but couldn't be bothered walking out my front door....


Naomi & Mumma with Belly

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Are you sure you didn't add anything to the pot...?"

Tonight we had our staff potluck BBQ at old airport beach. It was one of the best ones I think I have been to- true 'authentic community' :) and the food was authentic too!
My hubby grilled up a storm! I made a big pot of white rice- and tried to change it up a bit to make a sweet rice.

For 4 Cups of rice (brown or white)
1 heaping Tbs coconut oil
1 tsp of nutmeg (of course:)
2 tsp cinnamon
2 Tbs honey

next time I will do it in half water half coconut milk I think.

So before we leave the house Ryan tried it- wasn't really his kinda thing- of course I'm like 'oh no' I hope everyone else likes it.
They did- even got some requests for how it was made....but we get home- "Honey (me talking) everyone loved the rice!" ...(Ryan)"Didn't you add something to the pot before we left the house?" (me) "no I didn't" (Ryan) "are you sure?" (me) "yes, I'm sure" (Ryan) "Are you sure you didn't add anything to the pot!?" (me) "I DID'T ADD ANYTHING TO THE POT"

I think when your pregnant things really get to your nerves.....
"I'm sure I didn't add anything to the pot".......well I think I am :)

Goodnight :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

breadcrumb base for baking or frying chicken or fish!

So the secret to yummy fried chicken, chicken schnitzel or baked fish is the crumbs or the egg mixture before the crumbs.......

First cover your meat of choice in flour

Then crack about 4 eggs and whisk-
add 3-4 dashes of hot sauce then add in spices like dried thyme, dried basil, garlic powder, parsley & chilli powder.

Dip in bread crumbs then allow meat to rest in crumbs for 20 minutes

Then your ready to fry in olive oil or bake in oven.

This goes great with chicken or even mahi mahi!

Simple miso soup

Bring 4 cups of water to boil-
add 4 tbs mild miso paste to separate bowl of warm water whisking to get out lumps

Add a handful of frozen spinach to water and boil on medium heat covered for 5 minutes. Drain water- drain spinach water and bring 4 cups of water to boil again adding back spinach.

On medium heat add in miso paste with 1tsp soy sauce
Add in cooked spinah and also a handful of roasted seaweed (in packs at store in asian isle)
1 Tbs chopped fresh chives
cubed cooked tofu if desired.

Simmer on medium low for 10 minutes or so- then enjoy!

(sorry forgot to take a photo)

From nutmeg to meal planning

I don't suppose any of you remember this time last year I went through this crazy "pumpkin spice" phase and literally added it to everything!!?? Well right now the new thing for me in NUTMEG! It's amazing in banana honey smoothies, great in cheerios with soy milk and honey- even on roasted acorn squash and quinoa!- that recipe is on it's way!

........now to meal planning

I love pulling out old recipes and spicing things up. Every week right before I hit the shops to buy my grocery's, I plan- first I write down each store I go to- e.g KTA, Costco, fruit markets. I have cash set aside for the month for the markets.
Then once a week I do my shop- Typically I only go to KTA once for the bigger shop- then do dairy stock up the other weeks (like more yoghurt etc.)

I try do one larger creative meal monday that keeps for leftovers for either Tuesday or wednesday night then on the other night that we didn't have it we do simple- like frozen Annies organic meal from Costco such as the enchilada's then add a salad.

Thursday night is at base or a quick bite out.

Friday- again a creative yummy meal for shabbat- like a crockpot

Saturday & Sunday is flexible for company or we BBQ!

So, not sure how that would help anyone but maybe is a motivation for some. Also- always stick to the items on your shopping list as you have already pre planned your meals and make a note of what you were going to get to pick up for next time. Think out of the box- go asian one night then Thai towards the end of the week!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Amazing meatloaf!

1C chopped onion
3 celery ribs, chopped fine
1 Tbs minced garlic
1 carrot chopped fine
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried thyme
2 bay leaves

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2/3 C ketchup
1 package ground minced beef
1 C breadcrumbs
1 large egg
1/3 C minced fresh parsley

1 pinch of fennel seeds
1/2 tsp hot sauce
mixed into meat


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large heavy skillet cook the onion, celery, carrot, garlic, dried basil, thyme and bay leaves, over medium heat, stirring, for about 5 minutes.
Cover the skillet and stir occassionally until the carrots are tender, about 5 more minutes.
Stir in salt and pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and 1/3 a cup of ketchup. Cook for 1 more minute.

In a large bowl, combine the meats, eggs, vegetables, bread crumbs, and parsley. Form into a loaf and put into a rectangular baking pan with 2-inch high sides. Cover the loaf with remaining ketchup.

Bake the meatloaf in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes

Serves 4 to 6

Beautiful Pure worship

This morning as I was getting ready.
I had on a Phil Wickham Album and this beautiful song called "Heaven's Song" was playing....
As I walked down the hallway to see what Naomi was up to
- she didn't see me standing there but I was standing there (& so was Jesus, I'm sure)
Tears fill my eyes as I share this...
She had her arms in the air, head tilted upward toward heaven, twirling
and worshiping Jesus- I was in tears and went back to finish getting ready.

Pure Worship, such pure worship.

Unhindered adoration to her heavenly father
The Presence of the Lord filled the room.
I came back and replayed the song and danced with her- it was so special
more special then I could even begin to share
(As mum's we all have those moments- so you all know what I'm talking about)
moment you will never forget.
I feel like I am having so many of 'those' moments lately!
aah motherhood- gotta love it

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Almost 5 months!

Today I officially popped! For REAL this time- everyone was like whoa your pregnant! :) I hosted my friend Jess's baby shower and it went beautifully! Ahh babies are everywhere, it's wonderful!

It's been forever since I have blogged- so sorry- not sure who was even 'checking in' but I do have NEW RECIPES!
So please check in as in the next day or so I will post them.
I am loving life as a mum and having lots of food, thoughts and fun! :)

See you soon!

Monday, August 2, 2010

14 WEEKS- I think:)

Officially Pregnant and oh what a JOY.....

Here I am, Pregnant again! I heard baby's heart beat for the first time and tears started to fill my eyes. What a miracle- a little life- formed by hand of our heavenly Father. His heart must be so full as He watches in the most inward parts this little life grow before His eyes.

On a side note- good thing I didn't post the last photo I took thinking i was showing- hipbones showing little toned tummy- oh so long for a while- and yes I'm excited to say so long for a while- womanhood is amazing- stretchmarks and all- yes I did buy some oil today too if your wondering:)


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Almost 2!

Hi all my little blogging friends- I am back! :)

My little Naomi is almost 2 and I decided this year I won't make it as big as last year- like no hula dancers, no flashy super dooper toys, not a large crowd, you know just nice and simple......errrrr hmmmm- I don't think so- changed my mind- how can I not do it big- ok maybe we won't have as many people as last year but we are THROWING A PARTY- YEAH! :)

BBQ, BUBBLES AND POOH BEAR BIRTHDAY CAKE! :) not just any bubbles but automatic bubbles and a hippo bubble machine- oh yeah!

We went to Target this morning and had a blast choosing things- we went back and forth on deciding what plates to have for the 'kids table' (well Naomi did.......MOUSE! (That's Mickey mouse), ELMO! DORA! PRINCESS! MOUSE! MOUSE! we obviously went with the Mickey mouse set- oh and the cups too, which she throw in the cart :) So fun! So if you child is coming- except F-U-N! :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Born to dance

Today was just one of those awesome days.....spent the whole day with Naomi at home organizing, cleaning, playing, and yep DANCING! we make video clips all the day- some a little embarrassing (for me that is :) I will post one for you to check out- our hip hop piece :) check the moves out of Naomi once she gets the hat and sunglasses on- classic.
Then this arvo headed to base which Naomi LOVES and says "BASSSSE" when we arrive and caught up with all my girls I mentored last quarter that just got back from outreach. Then headed up to the dance studio with a few of them and Naomi......when we got there Naomi was SO excited- I have never seen her do the "moves" she was doing- it was like she was at home- it was so incredible to watch her. I was so blessed an proud of her- she was even pointing her toes! Tonight in worship she was always flowing spontaneously with me and Renee (one of the other dances) :) :) he he. I love it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Praise the LORD oh my soul!

Walking, walking, walking and yep you guessed it walking!
It seems to be all I have been doing these past few days.....molars=up at night and lots of pushing in the stroller for naps times. Today was one of those days- being persistent is key to nap times :) Everything is a breeze usually, but when those molars are coming- well- they are coming....feels like it's been months....this afternoon (we walked and walked and walked and I almost gave in, took her out and said forget it as the little grunting can get kinda annoying...but the holy spirit said push though she is testing you and yep sure enough after 25 minutes of walking she is asleep- I had the biggest PRAISE THE LORD session now I am going to have a shower and a rest- cleaning can happen later! :)

Zucchini Slice

Quick and easy dinner & or lunch.... well and breakfast too :) Great hot or cold!

1 large grated zuchhini
1 large red bell pepper (chopped)
1 large onion (chopped)
3/4 C nutritional yeast or cheese (I used n.yeast)
1 C all purpose flour
2 tbs olive oil
2 tsp dried basil
2 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried Italian herbs
1 TBs garlic
2 Tbs fresh herbs (if you have)
3 eggs
1 tsp salt

preheat oven 350 degrees F
saute onion and pepper with herbs, salt, garlic- set aside
mix everything else in a bowl adding in onion and bell pepper
press into greased square pan
cook for approx. 35 minutes

excellent with salad and fresh avocado!!!! and as a late night snack! :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Berry oatbran muffins

Made these this arvo with Naomi's help

3 C oatbran
2 C soymilk
1 C unsweetened apple sauce
2 eggs
1/2 C agave nectar (or 3/4 C brown sugar)
1 tsp vanilla
2 C whole wheat flour
1 tbs wheat germ
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
2 C mixed frozen berries (costco ones)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
In a large bowl, mix together applesauce, egg, brown sugar, and vanilla.
Mix in Oatbran bran,sift together all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, wheat germ, baking soda and baking powder. Add in with milk, fold in berries.
Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes

note: these are not sweet at all and I would try adding a little more sugar or agave and then serving them warmed with a little butter

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them...

ok so all those who sang this song in their bedroom as a little girl with the door shut singing along with Michel W. Smith in perfect harmony (not) raise their hand or day "I" :) for real I LOVED this song and the word's are so true- Friends are truly friends forever if HE is Lord of them. What a comforting thought.

Tonight we had some of our new but very close friends over Graham and Alissa- oh I love them they make me laugh I make them laugh :) we all laughed and caught up (they have been gone 10 days on a family trip)so good to have people like that in your life! I have been extra blessed today by friends- Jenny G came up earlier, then later after that I met up with Lauren and our hubby's watched the girls for an hour. I realize how much life friends bring to us and how alone I can feel sometimes when I am not seeing them. So thank you Jesus for friends!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Energy balls

These are super easy to make and you really can add whatever you like- you may adjust texture by adding more peanut butter or less depending on how much it needs- so put that in last.

1/2 C grated carrots
1/2 C rolled oats or granola
1/2 C raisins
1/4 C wheat germ
1/2 C sunflower seeds
1/2 C coconut
1 tsp spirulina (if you have it)
2 Tbs agave nectar or honey
6 Tbs peanut butter

Mix and roll into balls and store in fridge. AND BE ENERGIZED! :) your kids will love them too

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chickpea sweet potato & spinich curry

When cooking on a budget it's always nice to make some meals that revolve around the "Bean family"
So here is a curry I whipped up today- mind you I didn't really measure my spices so I will try my best to remember how I did it :) Enjoy. (Naomi loved it)

olive oil or coconut for sauteing 
1 yellow onion chopped up
2 large sweet potatoes 
2 1/2 C of chickpeas (I soaked some overnight then cooked the next morning-cheaper than canned)
1 small package of frozen spinach (use fresh if you have it)
2 Tbs curry powder
1 tsp garam masala powder (if on hand)
1 tsp ginger
1tsp garlic powder
1 tsp basil
1 can chicken or vege broth
1 can coconut milk

Saute onion with all the spices and seasonings in a large pot
meanwhile cube sweet potato and steam in microwave for 10 mins
put frozen spinach on top after onions are cooked 
pour over coconut milk turn up heat until spinach begins to loosen and cook
add broth
add in chickpeas and sweet potato
and simmer for 20 minutes

pour over brown rice and add chopped fresh basil or cilantro on top



Simple baked oatmeal

Been baking alot these days! and my dear friend Mel wanted some recipes so here is one and I will post many more in the days to come! :)

Simple Baked Oatmeal 

2 eggs slightly beaten
3 cups cooking oats (or I did 1 C steel cuts oats grinded and 2 1/2 C rolled oats)
1/3 C brown sugar or agave necter
1 C soymilk (lessen milk if using agave)
1/2 C apple sauce
1/2 C raisins
2 tsp baking powder
1tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1tsp cinnamon

Combine all ingredients  and press into a square baking pan and bake at 350 for 25 minutes.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Everything is not OK until I find you......

I just got blasted by a devo happening live at IHOP on the web stream. The chorus they were repeating was EVERYTHING IS NOT OK UNTIL I FIND YOU......I lost it and started crying- earlier I had just been on a walk crying out to God that I would be able to cry- :) you know those times where you feel so dry that you can't even cry......it's seriously the worst! So as I was on the floor repenting and crying out for more of HIM in my life Naomi ran in and saw me and came on my lap and gave me her 'num num' (pacifier) and 'nigh nigh' (blanky) and cuddled me. In that moment I realized that is what the heavenly father was doing to me. He heard my cry and answered me. Sometimes I wonder does anyone else go through times like these- everyone else seems to have it all together and I think I do sometimes and then I loose it, break down and run into His arms.....but I know that is what HE desires- I long to be more vulnerable with my friends and real and I want it in return so much.....I think...well I know I am being still restored from past hurts with friendships. 
Praise Jesus- we are on a journey
Prasie Jesus my husband fixed my blog and the comments work!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Amazing, challenging, exciting, sweet, tireing, hilerious, sobering....MOTHERHOOD

Adventure weekend round 2. Ryan has been wanting to do something else on Saturday other than the usual beach that we do E-V-E-R-Y Saturday :) He likes it but was needing a little adventure.

So this past weekend we took off spontaneously at about 4pm in the arvo and drove to Waimea, stopping for a little latte and snacks. We then drove up one of the most beautiful scenic roads I have ever been on. We stopped mid way up and let Naomi out to run free on the red dirt road and boy did she run- squealing with delight, stopping to check out all the cows and horses by the way road. She then continued on rolling around in the long thick grass and we all pretended to be lions in the grass roaring and hiding from the watching eye of those on "safari" :) I LOVE being a kid again! :)

It was seriously one of the best days of my life- it was so freeing and so beautiful especially since we have introduced Mr sad spoon. For those who don't know he is a small wooden spoon with a blue sad face on it- I decided not to draw a pink or red one as that seemed to cheery and this spoon represents what it feels like when we disobey. :( :( I have used it twice now and it really has helped alot, it's hard to see her cry but it only lasts a moment then she cuddles me and says sorry. Oh Jesus help me on this journey that has only just began.....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Isn't life wonderful......

Did I ever tell you how much I love being a mum, actually and a wife, sister, daughter, auntie, friend, cook, writer, dancer, and lover of Yeshua! This season right now....no words can really describe but just so wonderful. From getting up early to be with Jesus with a nice cup of really good black coffee, to baking with my daughter, to hiking in the rain up at Kaloko with Naomi on my back (yesterday's adventure), to laying by a fire with my husband and 10:30 at night enjoying the warmth of the fire and each other, to just loving on people and hearing the Lord's heart in this season of life. I truly feel blessed. I have been getting some incredible download's lately from the Lord about a few books that I know He wants me to write. So much to go into detail in a blog so I won't but other then pray for me I can get everything in my heart out on paper. I'm not a skilled typer, so I am writing everything down and soon will have to put in on my computer. erg. Anyways just wanted to share oh another thing so annoyed no one can comment on my blog I can't fix it! Will keep trying.....

Friday, January 22, 2010

Awake, AWAKE

Awake Awake, arise oh sleeper
Wake up for the time in near
I know you've heard it before but I will say it again
ARISE oh army of God
You are the generation of Jacob
You are called by by name
Stop listening to the lies of the enemy
Be alert, Be ready
The world is sleeping and is lulling us all to the the hums of the enemy
Eat, Drink, Be merry
Spend, buy up and be happy
But I, the captain of the ARMY of the Lord of hosts say
Open your eyes to all that is going on around you
Do not retreat to the hillsides and think all will be ok
It is not ok- people are dieing all around you
I need you- I need you to be bold- to lay aside every thing that is hindering you from Love, for my name Alone.
I need an army that is unified and alert of the schemes of the enemy
for we have now entered enemy lines

Be ready, Be watchful, be sober, for the day is at hand.
Many will laugh and say- I have heard this before.....
But I- the captain of the Army- say "This is the day- this is the hour where I am drawing a line in the sand- you will either be in my army or you will be in the enemy's camp."
Put on your fatigues
Be dressed be ready.

Luke 12:35

Keep your loins girded and your lamps burning,
And be like men who are waiting for their master to return home from the marriage feast,
so that when he returns from the wedding and comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately.

Blessed those servants whom the master finds
when he comes.
Truly I say to you, he will gird Himself, he will gird himself
and have them recline at table and serve them!
If he comes in the second watch (before midnight)
or the third watch (after midnight) and finds them so, blessed are those servants
But of this be assured: If the householder had known at what time the burglar was coming,
he would have been awake and alert and watching and would not have permitted his house to be dug through and broken into.
You also must be ready, for the son of man is coming at an hour and a moment when you do not anticipate.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Precious moments

5 am, 3 days ago, Naomi wakes up crying (not normal) so I go into her room pick her and she nuzzles my neck (oh FYI all done nursing :) So we just cuddle and I shut my eyes and inside my heart prayed that the Lord would fill the room with His presence.
I feel the Lord hugging as together and then Naomi through her dummy with eyes shut says-


Wow- how precious is that.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pancakes and Praise!!!!

Our new family tradition on Sunday morning- Pancakes and Praise!!!!! YEAH!

Naomi at our Ohana Love feast

Sweet Naomi with her little friend Olivia enjoying the music at our staff Ohana Love feast.....

It's been a while.......

Hi lovely friends who view this blog- actually I don't know how many actually bother to check it out anymore I have been so in consistent- all for a good reason though- Miss Naomi. What a joy she is to my heart- I have been enjoying her so much lately! Christmas morning she came in our room and said "Hi Dadda!" then I was like "Did you say Hi Daddda!?" and she looked at me and said "No mamma!" :) So funny.

So this new year begins with Joy and excitement for what is to come and also a sense of....Lord what is going to happen next in the world- Ryan and I and some others have been seeing 911 every time we look at the clock- oh that we would know His judgments are just and true and that we truly would be without offense until we see Him again.

Phillipians 1:9
...And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.

Well I will post more soon- I have some cute video's on their way of little Naomi.
Whoever reads this drop a comment so I can see who is actually reading it :)
Love you all so much